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Ohio AgrAbility

Ohio State University Extension


Caregiver Support Network

Caregivers provide assistance to another individual who has a  disability,  other limiting condition, or is suffering from an illness. Rural caregivers face additional challenges such as geographical isolation, gaps in rural service delivery systems, and the unique needs of agricultural workers with disabilities.

The Ohio AgrAbility Project recognizes the unique needs of rural caregivers and provides resources specifically for them, which is why Ohio AgrAbility has partnered with the Ohio State University College of Nursing and the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities to form the Caregiver Support Network.

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The Caregiver Support Network is a planned workshop and webinar series for caregivers, advocates and service providers.

The Caregiver Support Network is a collaboration between Ohio AgrAbility, OSU Extension, OSU College of Nursing Martha S. Pitzer Center for Women, Children and Youth, and Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities.