National AgrAbility Project
The vision of AgrAbility is to enhance quality of life for farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural workers with disabilities, so that they, their families, and their communities continue to succeed in rural America. AgrAbility consists of the National AgrAbility Project (NAP) and State/Regional AgrAbility Projects (SRAPs). Both the NAP and all the SRAPs must be partnerships between a land grant university and at least one nonprofit disability organization. All AgrAbility Projects report to the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service in Washington, D.C.
Rural Caregiver Resource "To Everything There is a Season"
While designed particularly for the caregivers of farmers and ranchers, To Everything There is a Season has great potential to benefit caregivers of all types. The printed resource discusses key topics for caregivers, such as: the impact of disability, caring for the caregiver, commitment to marriage, and communication. The 43-minute DVD contains inspirational and informative interviews with six rural caregivers.