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Ohio AgrAbility

Ohio State University Extension


Agronomy Field Day

Jul 17, 2013 (All day)

Come visit out Ohio AgrAbility display at the Agronomy Field Day on July 17, 2013.

Western Agricultural Research Station
7721 South Charleston Pike
South Charleston, Ohio 45368
3.5 miles northwest of South Charleston. Just south of I-70 on State Route 41between Springfield and South Charleston in Clark County.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013– 9AM to 3:15PM
Pre-registration required by July 15th. Lunch included-$20 per person, payable at the door
To register contact Harold Watters, OSU Extension, or 937 - 599 - 4227
Joe Davlin,Western ARS Manager, or 937 - 462 -8016