Disabilities Job Summit
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DisAbility Jobs Summit
The Ohio DisAbility Jobs Summit makes it clear that job creation for individuals with disabilities is one of the top priorities of the Kasich Administration. Leaders from government and business plan to be present at this event to discuss disability employment issues. Successfully assisting Ohioans with disabilities in their efforts to enter the competitive workforce can have more impact on our state’s resources than nearly any activity of state government.
It is RSC's goal to make the Ohio DisAbility Jobs Summit an important ongoing event for job seekers, employers and all of us who work to bring them together in a mutually beneficial relationship. We hope that you will help us make this event outstanding and continue the growth of the DisAbility Jobs Summit to help impact Ohio's disability awareness movement.
The 2013 DisAbility Jobs Summit will take place October 8-9, 2013 at the Columbus Convention Center. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this year's conference. More details will be forthcoming as they become available!
For more information: www.rsc.ohio.gov/index/employers/disability-jobs-summit
Presentations: Impact of Ohio AgrAbility Working with Agricultural Workers with Disabilites
October 8th: 3:00pm & 4:15pm
October 9th: 8:00am & 9:45am