Arthritis Pain Management
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
3:00 p.m. EDT
Coping with pain can be the hardest part of having arthritis or a related condition. Just as there are different types of arthritis, there are also different types of pain. Pain is the body’s natural alarm system, and arthritis-related pain is often chronic (long-term), causing treatment plans to vary drastically based on symptoms and conditions. The two most common causes of arthritis-related pain are inflammation and joint damage/injury; however, stress and fatigue can also add to the level of arthritis pain.
The goal of this one-hour webinar is to outline methods of managing arthritis pain, the impacts arthritis has on quality of life, essential concepts about pain, and options for pain management techniques. Note: pain affects individuals differently, so the topics covered in this session will be broad and designed to provide a sound foundation to understanding pain management, thus empowering individuals to work with their health care provider to determine the best course of action for their individual limitations and pain.
Topics include:
Sources of acute and chronic pain from arthritis and related diseases, and common limitations caused by such pain
Control of arthritis pain through natural, medical, and over-the-counter methods to decrease limitations
Assistive technologies to assist in managing arthritis pain in agricultural work
Resources for additional information from leading arthritis research organizations
Our Presenter:
Amber D. Wolfe, B.S., joined the National AgrAbility project team in 2009 as the AgrAbility project coordinator for the Arthritis Foundation. Her work on the arthritis and agriculture project covers both state and national levels and is focused on rural audiences of all ages and experiences. She serves as a resource for rural arthritis issues. Amber provides training to professionals and consumers via rural arthritis workshops and also assists in developing resources related to rural arthritis. Amber has brought her experiences with 4-H and FFA youth into the AgrAbility area by working with rural youth to prevent the early-onset of osteoarthritis in their generation.
A question & answer period will follow the presentation.
To participate in this free webinar, click here to access the online registration form by Friday, November 14. Instructions for accessing the session will be sent to registrants by Monday, November 17. Please pass on this invitation to others you believe may be interested. Contact AgrAbility at 800-825-4264 or email if you have questions.
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