CFAES Give Today
Ohio AgrAbility

Ohio State University Extension



  1. Easterseals Sunburst Newsletter: Making Dreams Come True

    May 4, 2017

    Easterseals Sunburst Newsletter May 2017 The Easterseals Story: AgrAbility
    Making Dreams Come True
  2. 2017 AgrAbility National Training Workshop

    Jan 12, 2017

    Save the Date! 2017 AgrAbility National Training Workshop on March 20-23 in Knoxville, Tennessee
  3. Peer to Peer for Farmers with Needs

    May 17, 2016

    April meetings bring disabled Ohio farmers together. 

    To read the full article:

  4. Making Life Matter

    Feb 11, 2016

    Ohio AgrAbility client Bill Wilkins was featured in a February article from Rural Life Today. Click on the link to read about Bill and his work with Ohio AgrAbility.


  5. New Bulletin from Ohio AgrAbility

    Dec 21, 2015

    Selecting and Operating a Wheelchair to Meet Your Agricultural Needs, Bulletin #966
  6. Ohio AgrAbility Would Like to Conduct an Educational Program in Your Area

    Nov 13, 2015

    To help prevent back injuries for farmers and gardeners, Ohio AgrAbility will be presenting “Oh My Aching Back” presentations throughout the state. The 45-min presentation will focus on back strain and give tips and information for preventing back injuries for both the young and older farmers and gardeners.

  7. OT's Role Helping Farmers and Ranchers

    Jul 10, 2015

    The June 29th 2015 issue of OT Practice magazine features an article titled "A Growing Opportunity - OT's Role Helping Farmers and Ranchers. To dowload a copy click this link: OT Practice Magazine

  8. National AgrAbility training workshop set in New York state

    Mar 4, 2015


    March 3, 2015

    National AgrAbility training workshop set in New York state

    WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - The 2015 AgrAbility National Training Workshop will cover issues of disability in the agricultural industry and include tours of area farms and other attractions.

    The conference will be April 13-16 at the Hyatt Regency Rochester in Rochester, New York.

  9. Bill Wilkins, 'Spirit of Easter Seals' Award Winner

    Nov 19, 2014

    Congratulations to Bill Wilkins for receiving the "Spirit of Easter Seals" Award. This award recognizes an individual served by Easter Seals TriState who goes out of their way to help others, serves as a role model for their peers, and consistently displays an upbeat and positive attitude. Bill has been an Ohio AgrAbility client and active participant in AgrAbility programing for several years.  Thank you, Bill, for all of your contributions and efforts to make Ohio AgrAbility a better program. 

  10. Save the Date! 2015 AgrAbility National Training Workshop

    Oct 29, 2014

    Join us April 13-16 in Rochester, New York for the 2015 AgrAbility National Training Workshop, the premier training event addressing issues of disability in agriculture.

    Professionals and AgrAbility consumers from all over the country will participate in four days of plenary sessions, breakouts, tours, networking and special events.

    For more information visit
