Ohio AgrAbility Farm Science Review 2020 schedule:
Recordings of presentations will be available on the FSR 2020 until at least summer 2021.
Click this link to the Ohio AgrAbility FSR page, and links to all of the presentations
Coffee and Conversations will not be recorded and archived
Tuesday September 22, 9 am - 10 am Coping with stress
Thursday September 24, 9 am - 10 am Creative solutions for farming with a disability
Tuesday September 22, 10:30 am Ohio AgrAbility: Agritourism and Accessible Events
Ohio has almost 700 farms with an agritourism feature. OSU Extension, Ohio farmers, towns and businesses host many public events. Federal law requires any event which is open to the public be accessible to people with disabilities. With planning and proactive design, events and agritourism can be accessible to everyone.
Tuesday September 22, 2:30 pm Ohio AgrAbility: Fitness for Farm Life
Farmers spend hours every day sitting, standing, carrying, lifting, pushing and pulling. There is more work than there are hours in the day. Try these stretches when you are sitting or standing – you can even use a wall, pole or fence post to get a good stretch.
Wednesday September 23, 11 am Gardening through the ages
Learn good habits, techniques, tools, and Universal Design solutions to continue gardening with a disability, arthritis, low vision, and other age or health related conditions. Special attention will be given to decreasing the risk of secondary injury; working smarter, not harder; and modifying your garden and the way you work to fit your ability, now and in the future.